Suntem Cunoscuti pentru cel mai racoros spatiu din oras(raul Cerna in dreapta si vegetatie peste tot)
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Suntem Cunoscuti pentru cel mai racoros spatiu din oras(raul Cerna in dreapta si vegetatie peste tot)
Due to northern summer holidays, also most of Africa experiences its high tourist season in July-August, while the shorter Christmas holidays traditionally has been a season of less travelling to so-called "exotic" destinations. The industry now however is noting a rapid change to this pattern, Christmas travels to destinations in Africa and Asia becoming modern and popular.
In particular North African destinations are experiencing the establishment of a second tourist peak season. Northern and Central Europeans are rushing to the Muslim countries Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia to get a different and more relaxed feel of Christmas, providing a new revenue base for the booming North African tourism sector.
British charter operators indicate that bookings to non-European destinations during Christmas this year have increased by more than ten percent compared to last year. North Africa is taking a great part of this growth. Also the Germans, Europe's largest tourist market, are increasingly travelling to exotic destinations during Christmas, polls indicating a seven percent growth this year compared to 2006. Egypt is among the most popular Christmas destination for Germans. In Scandinavia, charter companies have been able to sell out almost all Christmas trips to Egypt and Morocco this year, contrasting earlier years when planes were not filled up.
South of the Sahara, Kenya and South Africa are well established as the main tourist destinations, but also countries as Cape Verde, The Gambia, Senegal, Tanzania, Mozambique and the Indian Ocean islands are getting their share of wealthy Europeans, Americans and South Africans. Also here, the northern summer remains the high season, but northern winter tourism is steadily growing with a marked peak around Christmas.
West African destinations such as Cape Verde and The Gambia have started competing with the traditional Canary Islands destination and are favoured by relatively short air connections from winter-cold Europe. Here, the main tourist season is November-April, not July-August as experienced by most other destination. Both countries serve charter tourism from Europe, making a Christmas trip here as easy as well-established European destinations. Last minute decisions for an exotic Christmas are no problem.
For most northern tourists, a Christmas trip to Kenya, South Africa or the Indian Ocean islands (mainly Mauritius, Réunion and Seychelles) still demands more planning, although charter trips from Europe exist. Christmas trips to these long distance destinations also generally are more costly, preventing a high-impact seasonal peak. But popular destinations such as Cape Town - in the middle of the southern summer during Christmas - for years have been gearing up for a mild Christmas peak.
If you're looking for a Vila Rental In South Africa Cape Portfoloios is the answer.
Enjoy the fresh nip in the air, get rosy cheeks and take your cheer outside. Just wrap yourself up in a scarf, hat and gloves and hit the skating-rink before strolling through the festive Christmas markets of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö.
Warm yourself with a glass of glögg (spicy mulled wine) and browse over the most gorgeous handicrafts and Christmas decorations. You can sample typical Swedish Christmas delicacies at the markets too so look out for smoked sausage, reindeer meat and traditional Swedish Christmas sweets.
For a truly enchanting experience plan to visit on or the week before December 13th, when the 400-year old tradition of the ‘queen of light’, St. Lucia, is celebrated with church concerts and processions. On St. Lucia’s day you will see thousands of young girls emerge from the darkness of a Swedish winters day and gently silence the crowds with a procession of light.
Dressed as Lucia’s maidens, in flowing white gowns, each girl holds a candle and wears a wreath of glowing candles in her hair. Witness the charm of the children solemnly proceeding through cities and towns, churches and hospitals, giving out saffron buns and singing Lucia’s beautiful melodies. Just magic.
From late November until Christmas, at most Swedish restaurants, you can enjoy the beloved ‘Julbord’, the traditional Swedish Christmas buffet. Enjoy the best of everything Swedish with an endless array of delicacies including pickled herring, gravlax, paté, knäckebröd, ham, meatballs with beetroot salad and lutfisk (a ling dish for the truly curious).
Swedes love their Julbord so they do it all over again on Christmas Eve, the day Sweden celebrates Christmas. (Swedes are no strangers to forward thinking after all).
You can book a trip to Sweden at: Baltic Travel Company
Situated in the South-Western part of the country, on both sides the Cerna river, reaching till the foot of the Dormogled Mountain Mass, Baile Herculane is a natural reservation famous for its variety and riches of its flora. The resort is the oldest one in Romania among all resorts and it was founded almost 2000 years ago. (1825 years since its foundation were celebrated in 1978).
Baile Herculane lie at 160 m altitude and because of some relief particularities, the climate is mild, having Mediterranean influences. The annual average temperature is +9,3 C degrees. The winds are weak, the rainfall is reduced. The place is also dominated by mild winters, short, early springs and cool summers. The cloudiness is less present, and therefore the clear days start in March and end in October.
One other characteristic of the climate in Baile Herculane is revealed through the negative air-ionization, which causes favorable biological effects on the human organism.
Because of the increased thermal and mineral effects, the physiological agency of the waters in Herculane is very complex and their therapeutic value is high. The temperature of the thermal waters alternates between 41 C degrees and 60 C degrees. The waters are sulphurous, calcic, magnestic.
The multifold landscape, the amazing flora and fauna, the pleasant climate, the picturesque surroundings, all of these make Baile Herculane to be a favourite place for holydays, relaxation and active rest.
The museum from the resort presents documents that reveal the history of Baile Herculane and of its surroundings. In the museum, one may find out votive stones, numismatic pieces etc.
Every year in August, the tourists are invited to the “Hercules Folklore Festival”-a parade of Romanian costumes, songs and traditional dances, which reveals the the Romanian folklore artists’ imagination, fantasy and skill.
The tourists can be checked in at comfortable, modern hotels.
Baile Herculane este cea mai veche statiune din Romania si una dintre cele mai vechi din lume fiind cunoscuta inca de pe vremea romanilor. Prima mentiune dateaza din anul 153 e.n. Statiunea, integrata in Parcul National Valea Cernei-Domogled, este situata in sud-vestul Romaniei (Judetul Caras-Severin), pe Valea Cernei, intre Muntii Mehedinti in est si Muntii Cernei in vest, la 41 km nord-vest de Municipiul Drobeta -Turnu Severin.
Statiunea dispune de locuri de cazare in marile si modernele hoteluri sanatorial-balneare, moteluri, pensiuni turistice, camere la localnici intr-un cadru agreabil, precum si camping in interiorul sau in afara statiunii. Multiplele mijloace de recreere si divertisment, restaurant, baruri, terase de vara, bazine de inot cu apa termala, sauna, masaj, biliard, etc., precum si posibilitatile de drumetie si excursii in statiune si pe valea Cernei, constituie o atractie in plus pentru vizitatorii orasului statiune balneara Baile Herculane.
Herculane este recomandata pentru tratamentul durerilor reumatismale degenerative, al bolilor inflamatorii sau subarticulare, al bolilor sistemului nervos periferic, precum si pentru tratamentul unor boli ginecologice, respiratorii, ORL, dermatologice, obezitate etc.).
Statiunea Herculane imi e foarte draga, atat de draga incat ii iert pe nesimtitii de conducatori ai sai care o lasa sa putrezeasca in lumina soarelui fara sa miste un degetel pentru reabilitarea ei. Am fost de multe ori acolo, ba cu autocarul, ba cu masina, ba cu trenul, am stat fie la hotel, fie cu cortul, fie sub tenta, insotita ori de colegii de clasa a IV-a, ori de cei de-a X-a, ori de cei de servici, ori de familie, ori de verisori, ori de iubitul meu. Ati numarat de cate ori am fost ? Va zic eu : o data intr-a IV-a, apoi intr-a VI-a cu familia, apoi intr-a IX-a cu verisorii mei, intr-a X-a tot cu ei, si inca o data cu colegii de clasa, anul trecut cu colegii de lucru si anul asta cu Iubi si familia lui aflata acolo la tratament.
O idee buna de travel, pentru week-end, in cazul tinerilor este localitatea Baile Herculane. Calatorind acolo, acum vreo 2 ani, m-am simtit bine, insa dupa 2 zile am inceput sa ma plictisesc groaznic. Asa ca, here it goes... Baile Herculane reprezinta cea mai veche si batrana statiune din Romania, deosebit de pitoreasca, ocupanta a unui loc important in Parcul National Valea Cernei-Domogled cat si in istoria tarii noastre. Este considerata o statiune de "mosi" de peste 50 de isi trateaza reumatismul si oasele acolo. Insa, noaptea, la cele 7 izvoare, poti vedea un intreg dezmat. :) Ultima data, nu am realizat ca cei din jurul meu erau, toti, dezbracati. Am jurat ca nu mai merg, mai ales ca tipa cu care am fost a strambat din nas. Insa, acum, de abia astept sa mai merg...cred ca din cauza faptului ca am alta prietena. Se pare, ca pentru tineri, este vorba de turism de week-end. Vin, in week-end, se "bucura" de cele 7 izvoare , si pleaca aks. Vile si hoteluri sunt suficiente, iar daca nu cumva nimeriti intr-o perioada cu vreo "spirala Misa", cand toate locurile sunt ocupate, nu aveti nevooie de rezervari. Mergeti acolo...dc sunteti tineri.Macar o data! :).
Sfirsitul razboaielor pentru cucerirea Daciei de catre romani (101-102 106 e.n.) a marcat un nou inceput in istoria acestei statiuni balneare. S-au cladit termele lui Hercules - unele dintre putinele terme romane care s-au pastrat pina astazi . In anul 153 e.n. a fost consfintit actul de nastere a statiunii balneare prin discursul lui M. Sedatius Severianus , ales in functia de consul la Roma . La inceput , apa termala era folosita la spalatul pe miini , fata si picioare . A urmat faza de spalare pe tot corpul intr- o incapere situata linga bucataria casei numita lovatrina , astfel putem spune ca s-a inventat camera de baie.. In timp s-a trecut de la baile private simple , la baile publice inzestrate cu instalatii tot mai complexe care impresioneaza si astazi..Descoperirea a unor noi izvoare termale in valea Cernei a fost privita cu mult interes la Roma . |