luni, 24 august 2009
Zona de căţărare Colibri
Localizare zona Situata deasupra localitatii Pecinisca, aceasta zona este vizibila înca din gara Baile Herculane (conform imaginii de prezentare). Acces Pentru a accesa zona de catarare puteti urma unul din cele doua drumuri de acces (trasate în galben în imagine; am încercat sa respect cât se poate de precis alura originalelor): Varianta 1 (40 min.) porneste pe ogasul din satul Pecinisca situat în dreptul casei cu numarul 130 (punctul P1 în imagine; parcare posibila). Dupa 3 minute de mars, parasiti spre dreapta cursul pârâului pe un drum cu aspect galben, lutos. La început, drumul prezinta mai multe ramificatii spre livezile din împrejurimi. In aceste situatii voi veti opta de fiecare data pentru varianta care urca. Dupa o portiune mai abrupta, drumul se largeste si devine mai domol. La cca. 150 de metri de intersectia cu Varianta 2 , veti gasi doua momâi (triunghi rosu în imagine) situate la un interval 50 de metri una de alta. Uitându-va spre stânga printre copaci, la...
joi, 6 august 2009
Baile Herculane
Situated in the South-Western part of the country, on both sides the Cerna river, reaching till the foot of the Dormogled Mountain Mass, Baile Herculane is a natural reservation famous for its variety and riches of its flora. The resort is the oldest one in Romania among all resorts and it was founded almost 2000 years ago. (1825 years since its foundation were celebrated in 1978).
Baile Herculane lie at 160 m altitude and because of some relief particularities, the climate is mild, having Mediterranean influences. The annual average temperature is +9,3 C degrees. The winds are weak, the rainfall is reduced. The place is also dominated by mild winters, short, early springs and cool summers. The cloudiness is less present, and therefore the clear days start in March and end in October.
One other characteristic of the climate in Baile Herculane is revealed through the negative air-ionization, which causes favorable biological effects on the human organism.
Because of the increased thermal and mineral effects, the physiological agency of the waters in Herculane is very complex and their therapeutic value is high. The temperature of the thermal waters alternates between 41 C degrees and 60 C degrees. The waters are sulphurous, calcic, magnestic.
The multifold landscape, the amazing flora and fauna, the pleasant climate, the picturesque surroundings, all of these make Baile Herculane to be a favourite place for holydays, relaxation and active rest.
The museum from the resort presents documents that reveal the history of Baile Herculane and of its surroundings. In the museum, one may find out votive stones, numismatic pieces etc.
Every year in August, the tourists are invited to the “Hercules Folklore Festival”-a parade of Romanian costumes, songs and traditional dances, which reveals the the Romanian folklore artists’ imagination, fantasy and skill.
The tourists can be checked in at comfortable, modern hotels.